Disney condemned the decision to remove the Spin-off "Aladdin" with the White Main Hero


As the Hollywood Reporter reports, Disney's studio intends to develop the success of "Aladdin", removing the spin-off about the unlucky Prince Anders, who in the film Gaya Richie was the hero of the second plan. This news caused a storm of indignation in social networks - and the snag is not in the fact that under Anders, in the performance of the blue-eyed blond Billy Magnoussna, no one thing, but in the fact that only a few days ago the actor Me Masswood, who played in Aladdin, confessed That after the release of this film, his career was in a dead end due to the lack of new proposals.

Disney condemned the decision to remove the Spin-off

Obviously, the information about Spin-Off with Magnussen became the public domain at the most inopportune moment. Few people found this news positive, then the bulk of the audience saw in such a decision disney a sign of bad taste and the lack of common sense.

Nick Poulimenakos:

Allow, I understand correctly? First, Mallow Massouse appears with a statement that he is not invited to listening, although he played a major role in assembled billion dollars "Aladdin". Now, Disney orders Spin-off about one of the white guys from the same movie? Where is the meaning?

Anything But Jim:

Billy Magnussen is an extremely undervalued actor who does not receive proper recognition. But even taking into account this, it is very strange to announce Spin-off after a couple of days after the words of Massud, which since the output of Aladdin "he never was invited to samples.


That is, "black widow" we have to wait about ten years, and the guy from Aladdin, which appeared on the screen for five seconds, will immediately acquire spin-off? OK. Iron logic.


So, playing Aladdddin The guy was left without work, and the white guy appeared in the same stage against the background of dark-skinned actors will acquire his own film? Disney, what's the case?

Keshav Kant:

I did not like the remake of Aladdin. I didn't like me Massad, to be honest. But the fact that a white character who does not have any meaning in Aladdin receives spin-off, while Mena is idle without work, says for himself.

Disney condemned the decision to remove the Spin-off

The film about Prince Anders should go out on the Disney + Stregnation Platform, but not yet clear whether this project will receive the green light. According to The Hollywood Reporter, this film is in no way connected with the potential Sixel "Aladdin". It is reported that "Aladdin 2" is at an early stage of development, but there is no official information about the participation of Massud's participation in it.

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