Flight into space, the vibrator "for all", black caviar and other gifts that Gwyneth Paltrow offers for the new year


Recently, Gwyneth Paltrow is increasingly moving away from the world of cinema and goes into the world of business. The star has its own project called GOOP, on the site of which you can order clothing and all sorts of "healthy lifestyle" attributes. True, sometimes Gwyneth invites public dubious things, and they are submitted to the court. For example, last year Paltrow advertised special vaginal stones to increase sexual energy that did not help buyers.

This year, Gwyneth amounted to a selection of "funny and amazing" gifts for the new year. The star claims that all the proposed options are approved by the editorial board, and offers to buy them through her site. Among the proposed, you can find a space trip for 250 thousand dollars, a book with photographs of the planets and a wreck of a lunar meteorite as a bonus for 275 thousand dollars, an office chair, imitating weightlessness, for two thousand.

Flight into space, the vibrator

In addition to space gifts, there are erotic: set for beginner bdsm-flaps, vibrators of gold and silver, audiobooks for "special mood." Finally, Gwyneth proposes to pamper himself or friends with the Kelly handbag from Hermes for 22 thousand dollars or a bar of dried black caviar just for a hundred dollars.

Flight into space, the vibrator

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