The series "Anatomy of Passion" helped women defend themselves from sexual violence


According to the research conducted at the State University of Oklahoma, one of the episodes of the television drama about the doctors "Anatomy Passion" helped to attract special attention to the problem of sexual encroachment. The results of the study were published in a specialized journal Jama Internal Medicine. The data obtained indicate that the "silence of all these years" who came out in March strengthened the authority of the American Rainn organization, which fights the problem of sexual violence. At the end of this episode, the star of Ellen Pompeo called all victims of violence to call Rainn hot line to get help.

The series

The series

The series

The study showed that after the exploitation of a significant series in the air, search queries for the keyword "Rainn" rose by 41%, and according to the word "violence" - by 8%. In addition, on Twitter, the number of posts with the words "hotline for victims of sexual violence" and "Rainn" increased by more than 1000%. But the main thing is to the Internet and social networks for braces and social networks - the number of calls to Rainn increased by 43% within 48 hours after the exit of the "silence of all these years" - the organization itself was shared by such statistics.

With the plot of the episode, the patient named Ebby (Halila Joy played) hit the hospital after it became a victim of sexual violence. Despite this, she refused to report about what happened to the police because of fear that she would not believe. In the end, Abby is still amenable to persuasion and is decided to undergo a forensic examination to confirm the fact of violence. When Abby is brought to the operating room to restore her torn diaphragm, all female hospital staff is built along the corridor to the door of the operating unit, covering themselves a fertile ebby from male explosions.

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