Christian Bale explained why the audience did not wait for the fourth "Batman" from Nolana


Christian Bale, which is rightfully considered the ideal embodiment of the image of Batman, was not asked why, after three successful paintings, Christopher Nolana did not follow the fourth. And finally, in an interview with Toronto Sun, Bale admitted that the director was guided, refusing to and further share his vision of the Gotham superhero.

According to the actor, at first, "people literally laughed at him," when he told that the Batman, whom they show, would be radically different from all previous ones. But Nolan, in fact, making a coup in the world of comic books, always focused on the film that was engaged at this point, without building far-reaching plans.

We never sought to jump above the head,

- Notes Bale.

Christian Bale explained why the audience did not wait for the fourth

As it turned out, even after Nolana turned to a proposal to remove the second part of Batman, he stated with confidence to the film crew:

Here it is. One more chance to do is better with us will not.

But as a result, the director was asked to remove the third part, and then he was convinced that it was worth stopping.

Christian admitted that he completely accepted and approved the Nolan's decision. That is why, when the proposal was followed to create a fourth part, the actor said that they would "adhere to the concept of Chris, who dreamed of removing exactly the trilogy." So the new film was not destined to happen, and Bale himself was forever with the role of Batman.

Nevertheless, Nolana's trilogy became a real canon, so everyone who will continue to make a comic advice on the hero of Gotham, will have to be desperate to fight for the rays of glory. The next one who will make such an attempt will become Matt Rivz. In his "Batman", the premiere of which is scheduled for the summer of 2021, Robert Pattinson will be removed, Zoe Kravitz and the floor is given.

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