Preparing for the new year: 7 budget ways to create houses New Year's atmosphere


No time, mood, and even the New Year's decorations now let albeit both diverse, but often there are simply no extranemy and unnecessary funds? No problem. In this article we will tell you how to decorate the house without spending a lot of time, forces and means.

Method First: Garland

Classic decoration that has become a symbol of New Year holidays. There are very inexpensive garlands on sale, the purchase of which will not hit your wallet, and they will be interpreted the house instantly.

Scientific Fact: Autumn-Winter Depression is often directly related to a decrease in the duration of the daylight. The lights of the garlands soothe, increase the tone of the body, improve sleep and just raise the mood.

You can hang garlands anywhere by giving a festive atmosphere to any room in your home:

I have already become a traditional option for placing garlands on the window.

Preparing for the new year: 7 budget ways to create houses New Year's atmosphere 28455_1

Girlands can be placed in a beautiful vase or jar. For a lot of beauty, you can buy a garland on batteries, then you will not need to hide the wires.

Garland around the mirror will create a cozy atmosphere in the hallway or in the bedroom.

The garland can be blocked on the wall, giving a beautiful shape, for example, the shape of a Christmas tree or a house with a pipe.

And you can decorate the garland doorway or railing.

If you are worried about fire safety, when buying a garland, check with the seller, whether the garland is equipped with LED lamps. Such lamps are not heated and the dangers do not represent. Almost all garlands are now that.

Method Second: Stretching, Balls and Mishura

On the free wall of the room where the whole family is going, you can hang a stretch with New Year's congratulations or wishes. Now it can be easily found on sale, but you can do and with your own hands, for example, printing letters and symbols (snowflakes, Christmas trees, deer, numbers 2020) from the Internet. Like the design of garland, tinsel can be decorate the doorways, windows, vases, mirrors and walls. In this case, you can play a combination of tinsel with a garland. Only not too fond of Mishur and it is better to choose it in low-key color, otherwise it turns out a beamless.

Balls or any other toys can be hanging on the chandelier, on the window (attaching to the cornice), place in the vase. More stylishly look the balls in one color and style.

Method Three: Christmas Wreath

Recently, this is a decoration that is nice to decorate the entrance door in Western countries, conquered the hearts of our citizens. And no wonder, such a wreath is beautiful and serves an excellent option for replacing the New Year tree, for those who have no way to install it at home. Now there is a large selection of a variety of Christmas wreaths - only "Ikea" is worth it. Place it on the entrance door, and it will create a festive mood every time you leave home and return. Wreaths are equipped with thin ropes, they can be easily hanging on the door eye.

Four Method: Candles

Shimmering candles will create a special comfort in your home. Even in the bright time of the day, the candles in cozy candlesticks will give your dwelling atmosphere. There are hundreds of options for beautiful candles and candlesticks on the New Year's topics on sale. However, you should not stop your choice on screaming gilding and plastic kitch. Better pay attention to simple, colors and materials.

It is even easier to make an interesting composition yourself, using ordinary candles, glasses, jars, glasses. You can add such a composition with a spruce twig, a liner, balls, cinnamon sticks, coffee beans, candy, walnuts in the shell, ribbon. If you do not want to bother, then one of the easiest options will be a composition of one or more candles and a finished Christmas wreath.

Fire safety will provide candles on batteries. There are on sale as small candles-tablets and high candles that sometimes do not distinguish between the usual.

Fifth method: artificial snow

Such snow can be bought in cylinders or make it yourself using a folded foam, cotton wool, white yarn, sugar or salt: depending on where you plan to apply it. You can pour out "snow" to the can with a candle, then sugar, salt or foam fit you. White yarn can be beautifully wrapped with an artificial Christmas tree sprigs, then they will look like a suspended snowball.

Be careful if you have animals in the house, make sure that they do not get to the foam (rain from animals is better to hide too). And do not forget to comply with the rules of fire safety in compiling a composition with real candles.

Six way: smell

The smell of the holiday does not vita in the house? It is easy to fix, and literally. What odors is associated with the New Year? This is, of course, needles and tangerines. As well as cinnamon, vanilla, carnation, ginger .. You can list for a long time, because each family has their own New Year's customs.
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Самыми простыми вариантами для создания в доме праздничных ароматов станут ароматические палочки и свечи. Можно приобрести аромолампу и масла с любимыми ароматами, которые напомнят вам о праздниках. Удачным решением станет положить возле свечи или лампы «настоящий» источник запаха, – рядом со свечей с ароматом корицы положите несколько коричных палочек, а возле аромолампы с цитрусовым маслом красиво уложите веточку хвои и несколько мандаринок.

Способ седьмой: создаем новогодний интерьер

Как в старом анекдоте: «Поставил елки, повесил шарики, а праздника все нет. Наверное, шарики бракованные». И действительно, какая же новогодняя атмосфера в доме, где рядом с елочкой на столе стоит рамка с фото, где вы купаетесь в море? А насколько уместно будут выглядеть гирлянды на окне в спальне, если кровать застелена пледом с ромашками?

Пройдитесь по квартире и уберите пока подальше вещи, которые с новым годом, ну, никак не ассоциируются. Фотографии, пледы, статуэтки, постельное белье и посуду с цветочным орнаментом, полотенца и даже одежду.

Доставайте из шкафов или приобретите в магазине вещи, подходящие для новогоднего интерьера.

В продаже есть масса полотенец, салфеток, прихваток с новогодней тематикой, которые помогут создать праздничную атмосферу на кухне.

Обратите внимание на домашнюю одежду. Милый новогодний принт на футболке, халате или носочках моментально придаст праздничный настрой.

Окончательно погрузиться в праздничную атмосферу вам поможет покупка подарков для семьи и близких. Не откладывайте их выбор на последний момент, вы рискуете нарваться на очереди и полупустые полки в магазинах. Подумайте над подарком и купите его уже сейчас, ведь что может создать праздничное настроение лучше, чем выбор подарков своим любимым.

До Нового года осталось совсем немного, а в вашем доме все еще нет праздничной атмосферы?

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