In the 4 season trailer, Rick and Morti reported the release date of new series


Showing the fourth season "Rica and Morty" was suspended in December last year after showing five episodes. And it was not known when the last five episodes will be shown. In honor of the Day of Fool Adult Swim reported the showing date of the remaining. It would be possible to read this in the draw, but the news is accompanied by a video library, which describes the content of new series. It is also reported that the show will begin on May 3.

In the 4 season trailer, Rick and Morti reported the release date of new series 28457_1

Understand the content of future episodes on the trailer is difficult. Rick and Morty become samurai, grow additional limbs, fall into acid, fighting on light swords. In general, live by their usual life.

In addition to the announcement of the new series, Rick and Morti fans received another gift this week. Adult Swim showed a short animation film "Samurai and Segun", shot by the Japanese director and the Japanese Anime Studio Deen. The cartoon was shown in Japanese with English subtitles. The short film is told about the Samurai Rica and Segun Morty, which in alternative reality are fighting with a large number of ninja.

In the 4 season trailer, Rick and Morti reported the release date of new series 28457_2

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