It seems that we really are not ready: the first teaser of the 2nd season "Pats"


On Youtube, the first promotional video was unexpectedly appeared on the second season of the series "Guys", which since its release on the screens has already managed to conquer a lot of fans. Obviously, it was a leak of information (or an intricate promotional move), since soon the roller at the insistence of the Amazon producer company was blocked. Anyway, it is almost impossible to remove something from the network, so you can still find the video. The main characters of the "guys" do not just remain as frantic and crazy, but even surpass themselves in this, as they say the blood litters that the teaser is satisfied.

It seems that we really are not ready: the first teaser of the 2nd season

At the beginning of the roller on the screen appears with blood Houmlender (Anthony Starr), which descends down to get down, probably to his son (if judged by the expression of the hero's face). In such a frightening form, he found himself after explosive parting with Montelin Stylulell (Elizabeth Shu). Then under rude guitar riffs should be cut from different scenes that are full of action, fun and corpses. The roller appears a lot of familiar characters, while new heroes have not had time to appear before the audience.

Interestingly, earlier the performer of one of the main roles of Jack Quaid (Hewie Campbell) said that in the second season "Patsanov" it's worth waiting for this level of madness, to which no one is ready, they were not empty words. Recall that the series tells about the group of Wigilants who pursue superheroes, mired in vices, debauchery and narcissism. There are no information about the premiere of the second season of the second season of "boys", but it is known that the TV show will return to Amazon Prime Video around in about the middle of 2020.

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