Will Smith told the upset colleague in Aladdin, how to succeed in Hollywood


Recently, Mallow Massoo complained that the world's success of "Alladina", where he played a major role, did not bring him a breakthrough in his career. The 28-year-old actor said that since the fairy tale gathered a billion dollars at the box office, he was no longer called samples, and he sits without work.

The truth is that I did not benefit from participation in Aladdin. I'm tired of silent about it. [...] "Aladdin" earned $ 1 billion, so can I at least get to the samples? I'm not waiting at all that the role of Batman will immediately offer me. But can I even get a chance to show yourself?

- Mena spoke.

The actor suspects that his talent is disregarded by the color of his skin. And some viewers believe that this is another case of "actor of one role", and Menu is simply not seen in other images.

Recently Will Smith, Colleague Masuda on the Disney Remake, gave him the Council about this situation. Smith noted that the film engineer - by definition the thing is complicated.

This business itself is very difficult. As if God, the Universe or what you believe there originally conceived it as something complicated. It is overcome by patience, loyalty, dedication and endurance. Therefore, if you have a dream, you should be ready to work on it every hour of every day with great love and concentration. These difficulties can be circumvented

- calmly stated Will in the Light Peopletv.

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