Star "Doctor Who" David Tennant will play Fogg Firoas in the series "Around the World for 80 days"


According to Deadline, Scottish actor David Tennant, famous for the main roles in such series, as "Doctor Who" and "Murder on the Beach", will play the Firoas Fogg traveler in the new screenization of the classic Roman Jules Verne "around the world for 80 days." The film will be a mini-serial consisting of eight parts. The production of the picture will be engaged in an independent British film company SLIM FILM + TELEVISION.



According to the plot, Esquire Phileas Fogg encompassing that he will be able to make a world tour, putting in 80 days. Taking into the companions of his chamelner Paspartu (a promising French actor Ibrahim Coma) will play it, Fogg goes on a journey, full of all sorts of dangers. Soon a young journalist Ebigeyl Fix (Leoni Benes), who intends to conduct a report about this incredible adventure joins the Foggu and Paspartu.


"Around the world for 80 days", 2004

The shooting of the new version "around the world for 80 days" will begin in February next year in South Africa and Romania, while the premiere is scheduled for the end of 2020. The film scenarios will perform Ashley Faroa ("Life on Mars") and Caleb Ranson ("My Child"), while the director's chair will share Steve Barron (Darrells) and Charles Bison ("Mentalist").

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