The twin cancer is not an assistant: 4 signs of the zodiac, on which it is impossible to rely


These people are far from samples of reliability and mutual support. And however it is unpleasant, sometimes, when in a difficult moment you come across such a person. Is it possible to avoid disappointments? Stars say that you can. Astrologers told what zodiac signs are the most unreliable.


The twin cancer is not an assistant: 4 signs of the zodiac, on which it is impossible to rely 28587_1

Gemini in their nature are distinguished by some duality. This applies to their judgments, actions, attitudes towards people, etc. They can seem to you today with the best friend, and tomorrow suddenly decide that you are a foreign person. Therefore, you should never lay great hopes for representatives of this sign.

Twins are creative, impulsive, windy. They like something new, interesting, unusual. Therefore, at the Planning Stage, you are your best friends. And in words - the first assistants. When it comes to the case, it may become, for example, boring. And they simply evaporate. Therefore, they cannot be called reliable people on which you can always rely.


As well as twins, fish creative nature. They are often immersed in some kind of thoughts, dreams, dreams. And sometimes they are engaged in them so much that they simply do not up to you. Fish may seem good and reliable friends. But - just seem. Because, in fact, most often they are truly interesting only they themselves.

In addition, fish does not always have everything in order with moral principles. In many ways they are uncompromising. For example, representatives of this sign are simply not able to recognize their wrong. And they are excellent manipulators. They will easily turn everything in their favor, without taking care of how it will affect you. And if they need to play on your feelings well.


Scales are people who are in eternal doubts. They are not sure to end. Today it seems to them that this is good, tomorrow they will begin to doubt. The day after tomorrow they decide that it is bad, and the next day - again belated. Yes, the decisions of solutions is definitely good. But just the help you may need right now, and the scales are not sure. And instead of helping you, they will be long and hard to think whether it is worth doing it.

In addition, scales are very dependent on someone else's opinion. Their goal is to be good for everyone. And this feature can become a problem for both of you and for themselves. Scales will never go to betrayal consciously. But can do it to please someone else. For example, your secret will be given or something like that.


"I see a goal - I do not see obstacles" - it's about the girls. They are ambitious, purposeful, smart and cold-blooded. These are excellent qualities. But first, everything is good in moderation. Any urgentness can turn into both the virgins themselves and against others. And secondly, excessive dedication can lead to the fact that the Virgin is simply overpanded through the surrounding. Despite the fact that it can be their relatives and relatives.

In addition, representatives of this sign have a big secrecy and, as they say, "double bottom". Externally, the Virgin may seem open, friendly and good-natured. But this is just a mask. In fact, you should fear too large manifestations of kindness from V. What they mean kinder to you, the faster they betray you.

Yes, of course, you should not row everyone under one comb and blindly follow the horoscopes. But, as they say, warned, it means armed.

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