The creator of "friends" told why Phoebe and Joey never had a romantic relationship


Ross's relations and Rachel stretched out all seasons of the series "Friends", Monica and Chandler unexpectedly surrendered on a foreign wedding and got married in the seventh season. And only Phoebe and Joey relationships did not exceed a serious romance. The fans of the series long worried the question of why two wonderful character did not come together. And the actors themselves noted that they do not even imagine how it would have been possible, and determined the relationship of their heroes as "friendship sex."

The creator of

The couple played by Liza Kudroo and Matt Leblan, kissed in one of the episodes when Phoebe was pretended by his twin sister. Later in the series Joey made Phoebe's proposal when I thought that she was pregnant, but there was never a truly close relationship between the characters.

David Crane, who worked on the scenario of "friends" with Martha Kaufman, explained why Phoebe and Joey remained friends.

Otherwise, everything would be too accurate and logical. The goal was to preserve all six characters throughout the series, and it would be the easiest way to develop their relationship. We felt that he is wrong

Said Crane.

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