Long live nostalgia: «Well, wait!" 26 new series will appear


Studio "Soyuzmulilm" announced that the cult Soviet animated series "Well, wait!" It will be restarted and received 26 additional series. The chairman of the board of Soyuzmit Film was told about this to journalists, in the course of the VIII St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum.

In the 50th anniversary of our heroes, Soyuzmultfilm launches the development of a new cartoon cycle "Well, wait!". According to our plan - 26 new series,

- Slazzhen said, adding that the first of the outlined series will be released in the summer of next year.

Long live nostalgia: «Well, wait!

Also in favor of the project, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on Olga Golodets culture was made. According to her, restarting the classic cartoon will be a gift for the new generation of viewers. Recall that the original "Well, wait!" He left 1969 to 1994, consistent with 18 episodes. In addition to this, in 2005-2006, the Studio "Christmas" Crystmas Philmz "released two more episodes.

Long live nostalgia: «Well, wait!

Soyuzmultfilm is a state studio of animated films, founded in 1936. In addition to "Well, wait!" and "Prostokvashino" during its existence studio produced many famous cartoons, including "Winnie Pooh", "Kid and Carlson", "Crocodile Gena", as well as such masterpieces of world animation, as a "fairy tale" and "Hedgehog in Tuman "Yuri Norstein.

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