Directors "Avengers" will remove the series about the rivalry Marvel and DC


Entertainment Weekly reports that directed by Joe and Anthony Rousseau develop a documentary series dedicated to eternal competition between Marvel and DC. The project was called Slugfest ("confrontation"), referring to the book called "Confrontation: 50-year-old epic battle between Marvel and DC". Rousseau will perform as executive producers Slugfest, while the directories are scheduled for Don Argott and Tire M. Joyce.

Marvel and DC is not just a comic publishing house, these are two companies from the field of entertainment, which parallelly laid the way to the head of modern popular culture. In the era of superhero blockbusters, there are directors such as James Gunn, who are removed both for Marvel and for DC, thereby turning out in the center of their rivalry. Now the Rousseau brothers who have set a number of MARVEL films, including "Avengers: Final", capture the evolution of relations between DC and Marvel in the form of a documentary chronicle.


In this project, the ascent of two innovative creative companies will be traced, which today are the most powerful focus of the comic industry, - Marvel and DC. The desire to the top, fueled by competitive intuition and creative originality, resulted in the indomitable development of American culture, which made it possible to grow graceful mythologies from her incoherent and not received due attention to the roots, which are now able to change culture,

- Press the official press release.


The creators promise that the Slugfest spectators are waiting for many backstage stories, including the first official crossover between Marvel and DC, which took place in the 1970s with the participation of Superman and Man-Spider. At the same time, the Roussely brothers are not only specialists in superhero film, but also large connoisseurs of the history of comics.

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