Does the water have a memory, as deer and other scientific questions come to the "cold heart 2"


The second part of the "Cold Heart" opened the audience even more wonders of the Kingdom of Erendel, and at the same time it was impossible not to notice that some moments were firmly connected with the real world.

Does the water have a memory, as deer and other scientific questions come to the

Of course, the first scientific question applies to one of the most cute cartoon creatures - Snowman Olaf. All his behavior indicates that water has a kind of memory. Meanwhile, the theory of water skills to maintain memories of the substances that were dissolved in it are not supported by the scientific community.

Does the water have a memory, as deer and other scientific questions come to the

The second question concerns another extremely charming character - the deer is Cen. The audience thought about how his voice would have sounded in the real world, and it would be possible to say that the difference would be very noticeable. After all, the northern deers make a much deeper, even a few buzzing sound. True, it would be strange to demand a dubbing actors to reproduce the voices of deer with absolute accuracy.

Since Elsa acquired a new friend - Salamandra Brune, will be logical to ask whether in fact, in Norway, the country, which largely formed the basis of Erendel, these amphibians. As it turned out, yes, even two types. True, both are on the verge of extinction.

And finally, another question concerns the legendary fifth element, which in one way or another says in different cultures. For example, Aristotle called its ether, Indian religions - Akasha, and scientists from European countries - Kvintessence. It can be assumed that Elsa herself after immersion in the Magic River Akhtohallan, therefore the fifth element, having come into full harmony with the elements of the earth, wind, fire and air.

Surely "Cold Heart 2" can give even more curious references, so do not miss the opportunity to watch it on the big screen. The cartoon started at the box office on November 28.

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