In what order to watch all parts of the "Star Wars" before the premiere "Skywalker: Sunrise"


On the eve of the release of the film "Star Wars. Skywalker: Sunrise "Many fans will surely want to revise all the available parts of the franchise, since the upcoming picture will become the final in the grandiose" Skyoker Saga ". Due to the fact that the epic films went out in a mixed sequence regarding the event canvas, there are different versions, how to plan your star wars kinomaraphon: see parts in the order of their release or chronologically. If the first option is better suitable for those who are not yet familiar with all released films, then you should void admirers in the course of the development of history:

  • "Star Wars. Episode I: Hidden Threat "
  • "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack »
  • "Star Wars. Episode III: Sitness Revenge »
  • "Khan Solo. Star Wars: Stories "
  • "Knife-one. Star Wars: Stories »
  • "Star Wars: New Hope"
  • "Star Wars: The Empire is negotiated"
  • "Star Wars: Jedi Return"
  • "Star Wars: Awakening of Power"
  • "Star Wars: Last Jedies"

In what order to watch all parts of the

Viewing "Star Wars" in the proposed sequence allows you to gradually plunge into the plot of saga, which, with each subsequent film, only gains momentum. Since "Skywalker: Sunrise" connects all nine major parts together, before watching a new film it is important to trace the entire history of Skywokes, starting with Childhood Anakin. Although the spin-offs "Khan Solo" and "Say-One" are not the full parts of the Skyupler Sakuoks, these films expand the world of "Star Wars", helping to better understand the events shown in the original trilogy.

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