Jenna Duan told that the daughter of Chenning Tatum thinks about her pregnancy from another man


Jenna Duan said that Everly was very happy, learning that her brother or sister would be born.

She is really delighted. And he is very worried about me. She watches what I eat, the main thing so that the food was healthy,

- The 38-year-old actress tells with the menation.

Jenna Duan told that the daughter of Chenning Tatum thinks about her pregnancy from another man 28767_1

When I say that I'm tired and I need to rest, Everly immediately understands everything, never mapping and constantly hugs my belly,

- she added.

Duan admitted that he was afraid of the reaction of his daughter to the news about the upcoming replenishment.

Never know how children will behave in such a situation

- explained Jenna. But in the case of Evershi, everything went just perfectly, the girl is looking forward to the appearance of a baby and constantly talks about her mother's pregnancy to everyone around.

Jenna Duan told that the daughter of Chenning Tatum thinks about her pregnancy from another man 28767_2

Recall that the actress announced the second pregnancy in September, her chosen one was preparing a new father - theater actor Steve Kazi. Previously, Jenna Duan said that from the first meeting he felt "Chemistry" between them. Loving did not need a lot of time to understand that they were created for each other.

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