Get away, Beware: 4 signs of the zodiac who love to annoy others


Is it nice if your brother is somewhat? Or when is the best friend always late for five minutes? Or boss - Ham and Samodor? There are many features, which are not just annoyed, but also disappoint: dishonesty, violation of promises, cruelty, selfishness, unprincipled ... in front of you outstanding four zodiac signs, able to annoy even the most tolerable people. Ranking from the least to the most unpleasant characters.


Get away, Beware: 4 signs of the zodiac who love to annoy others 28772_1

Capricorn orientation on practicality and efficiency can sometimes get away for meanness, but believe me, these people do not get any pleasure from harm to others. In achieving the results of Capricorn become cruel. This quality manifests itself from the fact that they strive through everything to be productive. Capricorn comes out, not paying attention to the weaknesses of other people. Yes, and they are not going to forgive them. The outer stiffness and inflexibility of the Capricorn is just the protection against the heartless and cruel world (which he seems often). Somewhere inside of them in the most hidden corner there is a soul that deserves confidence.


Virgo simply can not get away from its path marked by her for a clear plan. And he always has it and is painted to the smallest detail. Here is a bore! The very nervous of the signs, the Virgin obsessions, picky and fragile. They tend to be cynics and pessimists, because they cannot but notice all that suddenly will not fit into their script. Virgo really wants to help, although ... she is more likely to draw up lists and organize things. If they feel that people listen to them and try to change, they relax (finally!) And they show their delicate, the fun side of the person.


Oda rules Mars, God of war. In principle, they do not want to be power rebels, but will never apologize if they are obviously wrong. They know exactly what they want (it does not matter what others do not want it), and everyone will do that they do, in spite of each other. Aries leader and a loner, but never obedient slave and slave man. The striking quality from these guys is to make an elephant fly. Even the most minor problem grows to immense sizes. Aries chopped the truth-uterus famously and with undisguised pleasure. After such revelations, it will not want to meet with them soon. No flexibility!


Fish, Oh, Fish! What did you do to deserve the title of the most annoying sign of the zodiac? With your gentle kind of kind, good intentions, great dreams ... In this and the whole problem! Fish tend to not think that not all people feel things so deep as they are. Yes, they are open people, but it's hard to communicate with them, because everyone has to control themselves - no matter how to offend this too sensitive nature. They can not be with them - they require playing their rules. And if they are broken, the fish dying in front of their eyes - their world is built on fragile illusion and ultrathin emotions. Representatives of this sign need constant support and in listening to the same tearful stories in many ways. Tired of this "swamps" can be very fast.

Posted by: Julia Telenitskaya

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