Minus 60 kg per year: Screen Dasha Bukina boasted a slim figure and opened the secret of losing weight


After the birth of the second child, the actress was very recovered and began to weigh about 120 kilograms. The star "Happy Together" began to invite the roles of fathek, and Bochkareva decided by anything to regain her former shape.

Minus 60 kg per year: Screen Dasha Bukina boasted a slim figure and opened the secret of losing weight 28779_1

For the year, Natalia dropped 60 kilograms and struck fans a slim figure. The transformation of the actress made noise - from her name began to produce books about diets to which Natalia had no relationship. Interviewers and fans do not cease to ask the Bochkarie questions about how she managed to lose weight.

As it turned out, the main method of slimming actresses is a lot of physical activity. The star took himself to participate in two dance projects for which she had to train a lot. She attended the gym and performed exercises with sanding with sand. Natalia noted that the special diet does not adhere to and even allows himself a sweet.

The only rule: no food for the night.

I am a terrible sweet tooth! Always such was, I can not deny myself in this little pleasure,

- noted Natalia. The actress warned that it was impossible to get involved in weight loss.

Men skinny do not like

- says Bochkarev. In her opinion, the body should be in a tone, and not just thin.

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