The threat to all mankind: Vomorolik "Not the time to die" about the vulnea of ​​Safina


Let the antagonist of the upcoming film about James Bond, named Safin (Rami Malek), does not have a murder license, but the new teaser to "not time to die" makes it clear that this character will become a worthy opponent of agent 007 in the performance of Daniel Craig. About his role in the next part of "Bondian" Malek in the video says:

What I really wanted to achieve from Safina, so that he will inspire anxious, after all, he himself considers herself himself ... Safin is an awesome opponent. James Bond will have to adapt to him.

The threat to all mankind: Vomorolik

Director Carey Fukunaga adds to this:

What he wants, and what he is going to do, turns it into a very frightening character - both personally for the Bond and for the world as a whole.

The scriptwriter team "not time to die" includes the creator of the series "Dryan" Phoebe Waller-Bridge. According to Maleg, it was she who made a decisive contribution to the development of Safin.

The rental "not time to die" will be released on November 19, 2020. In addition to Craig and Maleg, the key roles in the film will play Leah Seida, Lashan Lynch, Jeffrey Wright, Naomi Harris, Ben Wischow, Raif Fayns Christoph Waltz and Ana de Armaas. Music wrote the famous composer Hans Zimmer.

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