Netflix presented the first teaser "Rebecca" with Armor Hummer and Lily James


Already soon fans of the classic novel Daphne Daphorier Rebecca will receive another decree of his favorite book. The main roles in the picture will be performed by Lily James ("Abbey Dounton", "Baby on Drive") and Army Hummer ("Mumbai Hotel: confrontation", "call me with your own name"). On the eve of the emergency premiere Netflix presented the first trailer to the new film.

Netflix presented the first teaser

Roman Rebecca was published in 1938, and already in 1941 the first film release was published, the director of whom was Alfred Hichkok. This is the story of the second Mrs. De Winter (James), the new wife of the beautiful and mysterious Maxim de Winter (Hummer). Shy and clumsy heroine James gets acquainted with Maxim in Sunny Monte Carlo. Young people in love with themselves in love with each other and after the wedding they move to live in Menterley, a luxurious generic estate de Winters. However, the happiness of the newlyweds begins to overshadow the memory of the first wife of Maxim by the name Rebecca. It becomes obvious that the ominous and frightening housekeeper Mrs. Danvers (Christine Scott Thomas) is absolutely not happy with the newly made mistress Menterley.

Netflix presented the first teaser

The director of the new version of Rebecca will be Ben Whitley ("Summer List", "High"), and Jane Goldman will perform the author of the adapted scenario, "Kingsman: Secret Service"). The premiere of the film will take place on October 21 on NetFlix.

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