"Fear is a small death": The Teaser "Dunes" Denis Vilneva came out


Studio Warner Bros. Teaser presented to the upcoming film Denis Villenev "Dune", which will be a screening of the same name Scientific fiction novel Frank Herbert. The picture will be released in two parts, and the main character named Paul Atreidees will play Timothy Shalam. Together with him, the key roles will perform Zendai (Chani), Jason Momoa (Duncan Idaho), Oscar Isaac (Summer Atreides), Javier Bardem (Stigar), Rebecca Ferguson (Lady Jessica) and Josh Brolin (Gurney Hallek). In the promotional video, the emphasis was made precisely on the seven of leading characters, while Paul Atreydes says for the scenes:

Fear kills the mind. Fear is a small death carrying oblivion. I look in my face my fear, I will give him to master me and go through me. And when he passes through me, I will turn and look at the fear path. Where fear passed, nothing will remain. Where fear was passed, only me.

Full trailer "Dunes" will be presented today, September 9. As for the release of the film itself, its first part should go on December 17th. However, there is still a possibility that Warner Bros. It will shift the premiere at the beginning of 2021 in the hope that by that time all the cinemas will be open.

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