Bedding scenes and food: Sarah Jessica Parker checked Christine Davis on the knowledge of "Sex in the Big City"


Christine Davis, who played in the television series "Sex in the Big City" Charlotte York, became Guest Talk Show Andy Coen. The TV presenter started talking about the series and asked Christine, which of the stars of the series more reflects her character in real life. Davis called Cynthia Nixon, who played the role of lawyer Miranda Hobbs.

Bedding scenes and food: Sarah Jessica Parker checked Christine Davis on the knowledge of

Kohen also asked Christine about the most memorable or unloved stage in the series.

The most unloved is: it's when we shot a bed scene with one guy, and he had to shout me in the face of obscenity. I really didn't like it. I hated him so much!

- answered the actress.

Bedding scenes and food: Sarah Jessica Parker checked Christine Davis on the knowledge of

As a surprise in the studio of the show, Sarah Jessica Parker, the artist of the lead role in the series, Carri Bradshow, were contacted by telephone. She also asked colleague question:

I will ask about food, because we talked about her all the time. So, I want you to take you to your car time and returned to Morocco on the shooting of "Sex in the Big City 2". I want to ask what we ate every day at 11:30 am?

Bedding scenes and food: Sarah Jessica Parker checked Christine Davis on the knowledge of

Nothing thinking, Christine replied excitedly:

Sandwiches! We walked and bought sandwiches with home tomatoes, but we had to go for a very long time.

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