Vienna and Sorvigolov rush to help Peter Packer in the Fan Trailer "Man-Spider 3"


"Spiderman 3" will become an important part of the fourth phase of the filmmoven Marvel, and now the fans are very concerned about the experiences for the hero of Tom Holland. Due to the fact that Cusar Misterio (Jake Gillanhol) in the final "away from home" revealed the identity of Peter Parker, and then the young hero was also accused of murdering an amateur of illusions, he was not very interested in the murder of an amateur. Ahead of the spider is a big test, and to cope with him, he will definitely need new allies.

And the fan trikvel trailer includes two crossovers at once, which will help a spider person to acquire so necessary in difficult times with powerful friends. In a video, published on Youtube SMASHER channel, is shown as Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) meets Peter in New York. And since the Morbius trailer confirmed that this film officially synchronizes the Universes of Sony and Marvel, the appearance of Votom in the "Spider Man" looks not so far as before.

Vienna and Sorvigolov rush to help Peter Packer in the Fan Trailer

In the second half of the trailer, another hero is included in the game - Charlie Cox, also known as Sorvigolov (Matt Murdoch). By the way, earlier it became known that Marvel examines Merdok to the role of the lawyer of Peter - Chevin Smith told about this in his podkaster. And now fans look forward to confirmation that the studio plans something more involving the Netflix star.

Of course, someone may seem that the "Spiderman", in which he will appear in a vein, Sorvigolov and carnage, is too crazy to be true. And yet Holland himself recently described the plot of the trickel as "completely crazy", so the plans for the creators of the film are clearly ambitious.

"Spiderman 3" should go out in the cinemas in July 2021, but it is still unknown how the coronavirus pandemic will affect these plans. So the dates can still change.

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