Why in trailers retell the whole movie? The head of the Studio Blumhouse answered


The head of Blumhouse Jason Bloom joined Twitter in correspondence with fans and explained why his company accommodates excessive information about the plot of the film in the trailers. A certain viewer named Jacob wrote to him:

Jason Bloom, could you deal with your trailers showing the entire plot of the film? I decided that I would not look at the "Invisible Man" trailer before I did not look at the movie. Yesterday I went to the movies, and today I saw a trailer ... And I saw almost the whole movie in it.

Bloom replied:

I would be happy if they could not do it. But there is no other way to tear people from Netflix and the choice of films that people can see at home. I apologize. It is possible that the idea to watch trailers after the film is not so bad. But thank the director of "Won-invisible" Lee Wonnell. At its request, the trailer did not include the key scene of the film. I wanted to do it, and the studio believed that it was necessary. But Wornnell insisted on his.

The fan thanked Bloom for the answer, but doubted that the knowledge of the plot would increase the number of cinema visitors. For the future, he suggested trying to do two types of trailers - with spoilers and without the audience to have a choice.

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