Furious 9 shooting completed: until the premiere remains half a year


On his official pages on Twitter and Instagram, the director Justin Lin said that the shooting process of the next film from the Forsazh franchise approached the end. In Russia, Furçazh 9 will be released on May 21, 2020. Initially, the release of the picture was scheduled for the spring of the current year, but due to the yield of spin-off "Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Show", the release of the new part was shifted for a year later.

Shooting "Fast anda 9" is officially over! This is the most ambitious film of all that still reached the franchise. I will always be grateful to our shooting groups from London, Edinburgh, Tbilisi (Georgia), Phuket and Krabi (Thailand), as well as Los Angeles,

- Posted Lin in his post, to which the photo of the movie chamber was also attached.

The plot of "Fursazhai 9" holds in the strictest secret, which only encourages fans to put forward all new assumptions about what adventures are waiting for their favorite characters in the upcoming film. It is only known that in the new part to their usual roles will be returned by Wine Diesel, Natalie Emmanuel, Michel Rodriguez, Helen Mirren, Jordan Brewster, Tyreiz Gibson, Ludakris, and Charlize Theron in the image of the ominous cyberurist named Saifer. In addition, the acting staff "Fursazha" was replenished with such artists as Michael Roman, John Sina and Anna Savai.

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