Lily Rose Depp told about parental education: "I didn't need to rebel"


Lily Rose argues that in the adolescence she had no desire to swear with his parents, because they were as condescending as possible.

My parents can not be called very strict. They always trusted me, allowed to be independent and take their own decisions. In fact, I did not need to rebel,

She told.

Also Dep noted that the parents did not have serious teachings about studying at the university, which would solve their daughter's future.

They both went out of school when they were 15, so they could say nothing. I never thought about the university as my goal,

- added the actress. According to Lily Rose, she always wanted to just work. Also Depp admitted that in childhood she put on his mother's things and dreamed of becoming a singer, but the acting talent still took the top.

Lily Rose Depp told about parental education:

Lily Rose Depp told about parental education:

Recall, Vanessa and Johnny broke up in 2012 after 14 years of living together. In marriage, they were born not only Lily Rose, but also the son of Jack, who is now 17 years old. After some time, Depp married Ember Hurd, but their attempt to build a family was not crowned with success. As for Lily Rose, the actress can already be assessed in the historic project of Netflix "King", in which she along with his beloved Timothy Shalam.

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