"In all the roles, Danil Kozlovsky": The first trailer of the series "Chernobyl: Abyss" came out


The glory of the mini-series "Chernobyl", released last year by HBO TV channel, obviously did not give peace to representatives of the domestic cinema. As a result, the next autumn of the audience is waiting for a new look at the most terrible technogenic catastrophe of the 20th century. And this time, Danil Kozlovsky acts immediately in three roles - in the film "Chernobyl: the abyss" he and director, and producer, and actor, who played one of the key characters.

On the eve of the film company "Central Partnership" shared the first teaser of the upcoming ribbon, and even though he lasts only a minute, the oppressive atmosphere of Pripyat 1986 passes in full. The video series, supplemented with anxious sounds of sirens, shows how literally in one moment the peaceful life of thousands of people turned around with chaos and pain.

Three liquidator of the consequences of the accident will be in the center of the drama: military divers, engineer and fireman, and the mission before each of them is equal. Heroes must do everything possible to prevent the worst consequences of the scout.

"The film is based on the real events that have happened to Danil Kozlovsky in the imagination of Danille Kozlovsky," "The film should not be called" Chernobyl: Abyss ", but" Chernobyl: You have already seen all this, but this time the roles played by Danil Kozlovsky, " And today's sponsor - Optimist Danil Kozlovsky, "users write in the comments under the roller.

In addition to the already mentioned Kozlovsky, Oksana Akinshina will appear in the film, Raveban Kurkova, Philip Avdaev, Igor Chernevich and Nikolai Kozak. The premiere of the tape is scheduled for October 8.

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