And again the hand on the stomach: Megan Plant suspected in the second pregnancy


To such conclusions, journalists came after they saw the "corporate" gesture of Megan Markle - 38-year-old chief of the Prince at one of the charitable techniques constantly kept her hand on his stomach. This gesture was remembered to fans since the plague was pregnant with his firstborn. It remains only to wait for official confirmation from the Buckingham Palace. Usually, the pregnancy of the monarch of the monarchs declare after the successful completion of the first trimester.

And again the hand on the stomach: Megan Plant suspected in the second pregnancy 28942_1

And again the hand on the stomach: Megan Plant suspected in the second pregnancy 28942_2

And again the hand on the stomach: Megan Plant suspected in the second pregnancy 28942_3

It should be noted that the non-birth of a new prince or princess may well be true. Another summer, Prince Harry confessed that they were planning with Megan Plant, at least two children. The age of an ex-actress does not allow her a long time to replenish, so it is not surprising that the spouses are already in a pleasant waiting.

And again the hand on the stomach: Megan Plant suspected in the second pregnancy 28942_4

And again the hand on the stomach: Megan Plant suspected in the second pregnancy 28942_5

And again the hand on the stomach: Megan Plant suspected in the second pregnancy 28942_6

Moreover, Megan Oars already knows, in which country its second child will appear. As the source declares close to the "Force Major" star, in the last months of pregnancy, Oplata will leave the UK in the United States. In Los Angeles, she will be much calmer together with mom and girlfriends than in London with new-minted prim relatives.

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