Star "Supernatural" Jared Padaleki ridiculous his scandalous arrest


In late October, the actor Jared Padalekia was arrested for a fight at the bar, which he learned, being in a state of intoxication. For this reason, Padaleks could not take part in the congress of the supernatural actors, which took place shortly after the incident in Washington. Now Jared returned to the "family", appearing at the Florida Convention. At the same time, the actor showed that he knows how to laugh at himself, making a comic reference to his recent troubles.




The event of Padalekia came in a white T-shirt, at which the Magtersot was depicted by the actor - so the pictures that each arrested must do in the police station are called. It can be noted that "Magshot" on the Padalem T-shirt is still unrealistic, because it appears on another, more pretty photo of the actor. In addition, the word "Bitch" ("Bitch") is banging below on the T-shirt).

Recall that this is no longer the first joke over the arrest of pages, which arose in the Actors' Actors "Supernatural". Previously, Jensen Ekls, whom not only professional, but also friendly relations associate with Padaleks, in the form of a draw put on him handcuffs.

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