Jealous, flirting and plan an imaginary wedding: how men behave in love different signs of the zodiac


Do you think this is strange? Not at all. Just we are all different. And born under different zodiac signs. And it is precisely this largely determines how a person behaves when he is in love.

Aries Give love and your favorite person all myself. They are ready for feats. And their love should learn the whole world. They have so big and openly loving heart that they simply cannot be silent.

Teltsy On the contrary, they will look after months. Think, all weigh. They do not know how to immediately break their soul and heart. But when they do it, you will definitely confident in their feelings.

Twins Not from those who are able to hide their feelings and emotions. Finding in love, they are right away from happiness. They build their relationships in openness and honesty. And they are waiting absolutely the same from their chosen.

Raki. Over all appreciate their safety. They must be confident in their partner and in their choice. Therefore, at first they will sit in our shell and are recognized in feelings far from immediately.

Jealous, flirting and plan an imaginary wedding: how men behave in love different signs of the zodiac 28959_1

Lions Not one of those who are surrendered just so without fighting. Therefore, they will conquer their chosen, even if they first received a refusal. For them, "no" is "yes, but not immediately." And won, will be resting on the laurels as true winners.

Virgin These are the kings of self-control. Their external calm is able to confuse anyone. Simply, these people do not like the external manifestation of emotions. And in fact, they already know where your wedding will be held and how many children you have.

Libra These are people who are in eternal doubts. And when they are in love, so they do not stop doubting at all. In addition, they begin to be shy and complex. All this together often can lead to the fact that the scales tear relationships with their favorite people to stop all these torments.

Scorpions When they are in love, are able to arrange a real enchanting and a hurricane of passions. Do not wait with them a calm and monotonous life. Be prepared that you will be surprised, to strive, jealous and much more.

Sagittsev Merrably know how to flirt. You can even say that they are the best in this. And also to give your chosen one or choices a maximum of pleasure and pleasant moments. They can be jealous, but it does not take grotesque or threatening forms.

Capricorn Not immediately surrender. These are very pragmatic and even somewhere sensitive people. They will look close to the partner. But their feelings are always very deep and serious. They are not from frivolous comrades.

Aquarius Easily share their feelings and emotions. They will not hide their love from you, nor from friends, nor from the neighbors, nor from colleagues or anyone at all. The only condition, they must be confident in their partner a little more than 100%.

Fish Often quite exalted people. Caught on deep feelings and experiences. Love for them is far from empty sound. And unhappy love may well turn the tragedy and break the heart forever.

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