Sam Hugheen bypassed Sebastian Stan, Jamie Dornana, Henry Caville and others in the ranking of the sexiest stars


Last year, PEOPLE magazine called Idris Elbe the sexiest man of the world. Just Jared Magazine decided to arrange a new vote to determine the winner of this year.

Idris Elbu we were excluded from the list, because it is unlikely to win again,

- notes the publication.

Sam Hugheen bypassed Sebastian Stan, Jamie Dornana, Henry Caville and others in the ranking of the sexiest stars 29010_1

Readers choose the very sexiest man of the year, and you can vote for an unlimited number of times for different candidates.

Please note that the results of this survey have nothing to do with the choice of PEOPLE magazine,

- Specifies JUST Jared.

Sam Hugheen bypassed Sebastian Stan, Jamie Dornana, Henry Caville and others in the ranking of the sexiest stars 29010_2

The list includes 32 names of famous actors and musicians. There were several prominent candidates in the top 10, and the first place went to Sam Huyan, the performer of the role of Jamie Fraser in the television series "Stranger", who, to the surprise of many, managed to bypass the new Witcher, Screen Christian Gray, Sam Winchester and many others.

Sam Hugheen bypassed Sebastian Stan, Jamie Dornana, Henry Caville and others in the ranking of the sexiest stars 29010_3

Top 10 sexiest men According to Just Jared at the moment it looks like this:

Sam Hyuhen

Sebastian Stan.

Henry Cavill

Jamie Danan.

Jared Padalekia

Chris Evans

Jensen Ackles

Jason Momoa

Jared Leto

Robert Pattison

Sam Hugheen bypassed Sebastian Stan, Jamie Dornana, Henry Caville and others in the ranking of the sexiest stars 29010_4

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