Fans condemned Ani Lorak for enlarged lips: "So pumped itself that half the letters do not speak"


While the connoisseurs of natural beauty is indigest because of the cooking hobby of women with beauty, celebrities continue to pump their faces with fillers. The other day, Ani Lorak received a portion of criticism about this. The singer has published a photo session frames on which she appeared in a new image, dressed in a leather dress and silver boots. The loyal fans of Lorak showered the star by compliments, noting her femininity and a slim figure.

However, many outraged that Ani replenished the ranks of the "bullshop stars" using the lips fillers. Users noted that the 41-year-old singer could well do without the enclosures of beauty, because already looks like a young and fresh. "Return your previous yourself!", "You are beautiful from nature, be yourself, do not chase for silicone fools", "Please do not spoil your face with these injections," "So poured yourself that half of the letters do not speak," disappointed users write .

Fans condemned Ani Lorak for enlarged lips:

Similar feedback reviews also recently received Anna Sedokova. Figure magnificent beauty, fans are asked to abandon the enclosures of beauty, after Anna swept the cheekbones and lips.

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