"This is a bust": Anastasia Volochkova boasted a photo in Microbikini


Ballerina published in Instagram photos in a tiny bikini and accompanied by his contemptuous signature:

My cats, Teles, are put in order, and then advise how to live me.

The 43-year-old dancer added that not everyone can allow to wear a mini-bikini, once again singing the diffilage itself. That's right, I don't praise myself - no one will praise.

However, Volley's Follovers did not appreciate the results of a strict diet on which a star sits. Recall that at the cardinal changes in appearance, the artist joined the role in the play of "Ballerina in the Circus Casher" play. Many noted that the body of Anastasia, although noticeably lost weight, it still looks unsportsmanlike and flicted. "There is a unclean body, try to roll up", "Stretching is good, but not enough", "too pompous self-conceit about yourself", "waiting for admiration, and Hamit herself," write in the comments.

I did not disappear from the eye of the subscribers and the fact that in the photo Volochkova rudely cut the girl standing next to her. "Apparently, the competition was afraid," readers laughed.

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