In the American catalog dolls there was a 4-year-old model with Down syndrome


Amber Girl spokesman admitted that Kimbl is charming and perfectly copes with his work. Snapshots for the catalog turned out simply beautiful. In the photos of Ivi dressed in a red dress and holds a small doll in her hands.

It means a lot for her

- Mom said Christine Kimble. According to her, few calls on the shooting of children with Down syndrome.

In the American catalog dolls there was a 4-year-old model with Down syndrome 29022_1

Christine hopes that in the future, printed means will more often cooperate with such children.

I like that companies consciously make efforts and work with them. I hope that sooner or later for companies it will become natural,

- she shared.

Pictures of IIVI really affect an important topic. People ask Kristen about Down syndrome, and many surprises the fact that the photos of the girls were published in the catalog. But Mom continues to believe that over time it will change and will not be for those who surround something shocking.

And the situation really changes. Last year, at the Fashion Week in New York, Designer Talisha White decided to show different types of female beauty, and in her show, several models with Down syndrome were participated.

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