Emilia Clark thanked Paramedikov because she was forced to laugh towards hospital


The star of the Games of Thrones told about his recovery after aneurysm in 2011 and 2013 and how strangers helped her to cope with a difficult state.

I had a gap aneurysm of the brain, and it was very painful. But Paramedics were just incredible. They gave me an anesthetic, wrapped me like a crook, and mixed me all the way to the hospital. I sat in an ambulance with hemorrhage in the brain and laughed in all the throat. Doctors were very cute,

- said Emilia.

Emilia Clark thanked Paramedikov because she was forced to laugh towards hospital 29073_1

Health problems began at Clark in February 2011 after the completion of the first seasons of the popular TV series HBO "Game of Thrones". As a result, the actress over the past eight years has moved two operations on the brain.

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Evilia was previously told in The New Yorker that the operations were difficult and not always successful. According to Clark, she had a state when she could not remember his own name and wanted to turn off the device.

When I had an Afasia (speech disorder), my mother carefully looked at me and pretended to understand what I was saying. She forced me to believe it. It was a very important point,

- Shared actress.

Emilia Clark thanked Paramedikov because she was forced to laugh towards hospital 29073_3

Emilia Clark thanked Paramedikov because she was forced to laugh towards hospital 29073_4

In the end, the star won the ailment and created the Charity Organization of Sameyou, which collects money for people restoring after the cranial injuries and strokes.

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