John Boyega considers Anakina Skywalker is stronger than Rei and Kaylo Rena in "Star Wars"


Someone may think that Ray is much more powerful Jedi than Anakin Skywalker. If you agree to this, then you will be wrong - at least, John Boyega thinks so. It was possible to expect that the actor who plays Finn in the trilogy-sequel of the original "Star Wars", will add to his companion on resistance, but Boyager unequivocally made it clear that Enakin Skywalker will forever remain the strongest of the Jedi.

John Boyega considers Anakina Skywalker is stronger than Rei and Kaylo Rena in

In his Twitter, the actor wrote:

Sorry, guys, but Anakin would drop us all in Lava flows. Kylo is also concerned.

This message of the Boheege responded to an article about the comics of "Star Wars", in which, apparently, Rei appears as the strongest warrior, with whom Nor Anakin, nor Luke Skywalker.

Being a Yarym Fan of "Star Wars", Boyega is convinced that comics are only a fantasy, whereas in the "reality" Anakin would not leave from Rey and Wet Place, not to mention other heroes, including not only Kylo Ren, but And his own character Finn. With his uncompromising opinion of the Boyegue, he also made it clear that he was probably a big fan of the trilogy-covered, which George Lucas put in the early 2000s.

In favor of the superiority of Anakin, you can bring a lot of arguments. Being for the most part self-taught, Rei is only a novice in the Circle of the Jedi, while the hatch does not seem an outstanding mentor. On the contrary, Anakin from childhood was under the wing of the Great Obi-Vana Kenobi, having received a first-class Jedi education. By the number of Midihyloran Anakin, apparently, also exceeds the Rey. As for combat experience, then the revenue is still significantly inferior to her predecessor.

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