Media: Disney and Sony agreed on the future of man-spider only for fans


Throughout about a month, fans of a spiderman stayed in ignorance regarding the cinematographic future of their beloved superhero. It seemed that on this issue, Disney and Sony paths were finally separated, but at the end of September it became known that the parties were able to achieve a compromise - Peter Parker in the performance of Tom Hollands will remain in the film marvel. Recently, the studios in the face of Alan Horn (Disney) and Tom Rotman (Sony) clarified that in the end prompted them to come to reconciliation.

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It is obvious that the fan base, which for all of us is very important, was vividly reacted with the actions of Tom [Holland] in the course of this situation. People like that Marvel and Kevin Files were involved in the creation of two film-spider-man films. The resulting response gave us to understand that the resumption of cooperation is indeed the best solution

- Horn told.

Rothman agreed with his colleague:

This is a classic example of an outcome, which will be in winning everything: both Sony, and Disney, and the fans of a man-spider. I would just like to note that news in the media and the real course of negotiations are not always synchronized. Speaking with Shakespeare, this completion could not be craving. Sooner or later we would have come to a compromise, but in the news they hurried to report about the opposite.

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Recall that initially a breaking relationship between Disney and Sony led disagreements about money - in Hollywood it happens often. As you can see, the opinion of the fans still played a role. You should not also forget about the merits of Tom Holland in a favorable resolution of the conflict, because it was he who called on the leaders of both studios to listen to fans and go to each other for concessions.

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