Like a granny in the queue: 4 signs of the zodiac who risk becoming the most harmful old women


But in our ranks of pleasant grandmothers, and very harmful old women can be fired. The bile of their character depends on the sign of the zodiac. Here you have four bright zodiacal examples of harmful old women.

Grandma Fish

Like a granny in the queue: 4 signs of the zodiac who risk becoming the most harmful old women 29083_1

Female female in nature is a pleasant weak floor representative. She follows himself and even in old years tries to look young and attractive. Despite the success in society to yourself such pensioners, this lady will burst all the time and unhappy. The old woman lives past and is given to this class. Its energy feed the memories of the former novels, meetings, disappointments, but the present little interests. Often it is scattered and confuses events and names from the beloved series with real situations and people. Try only to make a remark on this - get a sharp and even offended repulsory! And also the portion of malopeanism. Next to such an old woman, you will be with tenderness to remember those times when she was Mila, gentle and patient and managed to make a bunch of home affairs. Today, the elderly fish is not the same. You will have to patiently care for her as a small child.

Grandma Tel.

With the age of a woman, a woman grows unshakable confidence that men are a secondary kind and he is not able to make a decision and even insert a few words in the conversation. Give advice and valuable instructions, destroy situations and make responsible solutions are capable of only women. More precisely, Grandma Taurus. To be the adviser in everything progresses with her over the years, everything is stronger, and it is useless to resist this phenomenon. If, God forbid, you will hold a dispute with her and try to prove your right point, you will see a smoking and unfortunate grandmother. In the manifestation of this quality, its past played in many ways, because earlier this woman occupied a leadership position and commanded her atmosphere. Usually, relatives are patiently listen and take everything that proclaims their grandmother-Taurus, because in details of the will, she will not devote anyone ahead of time. And points in it will be not so little.

Grandma scales

Woman scales are a rolling rebellion, flowing out of extremes in extremes. It is important for all and control everything. But on pensions, this quality is a little weakening and you can breathe with relief. Do not be surprised if the talent of criticism is wanted in it. It will begin to evaluate everything and all: politicians, facilities housing and communal services, weather for tomorrow, oil prices, her husband's lover. But, the grandmother-scales is a chest of wisdom and interesting stories. If you promote it to the conversation, then this evening you will remember for a long time. You are unlikely to surprise "strong words" in her narration - this old woman is not shy in expressions. But she, definitely, is worth not to pay attention to its welders and grinding.


In the youth, the woman-Aries is a passion volcano and quick-tempered. And to the old age, such behavior is only aggravated. Contradictions, mood change, strange reactions and justice - get ready to "enjoy" with this cocktail. In the life of Grandma Aries, there were so many events, victories, defeats that she would have to write a heaven for survival or a book about career sections. And it can be a whole series of books. In fact, the woman-Aries is not in a hurry at a well-deserved rest, but when this day becomes critical, she begins to get everyone around. Having calmed down a little in the new status of the pensioner, your relative will suddenly understand - how good to be granted to the family itself. And at this time she will truly happy.

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