Sarah Jessica Parker will return in the sequel "Focus-Pokus" along with Bett Midler


On Halloween, it is customary to give candy, not gifts, but fans of fantasy comedy "Focus-Pokus" waited for a real surprise: a couple of weeks ago it became known that there was a continuation of the classic Halloween painting on Disney +, and now he received information that in the sequel of the audience waiting for the reunification of the original Acting. This was announced by Sarah Jessica Parker, who played in the 1993 film by Sarah Sanderson.

Sarah Jessica Parker will return in the sequel

At Halloween Parker in his Instagram laid out a frame from Focus-Pokus, with the image of the Trinity of the witches performed by Bett Midler, Katie Nadzhimi and Parker himself. In the comments, one of the subscribers asked if it was worth waiting for "Focus Pokus 2" in the future. This actress answered:

We all said yes. Now it remains only to wait.

Fans such news was very pleased, because initially reported that Disney wants to invite other actresses to Sanderson sisters. In addition, it was not clear whether the stars of the original film would return to their long-standing roles. Now everything turned out, and the focus-cake lovers have reason to believe that the coming sequel will justify their expectations. However, the production of the film is only at the initial stage.

Публикация от SJP (@sarahjessicaparker)

The script for Focus-Pokus 2 will write Jen D'Angelo, who previously worked on such shows as the "city of predanits", "workaholics", "from Los Angeles in Vegas" and "Happy together". There are no information about the plot of Sicvel at the moment. It is also unknown, whether other artists from the 1993 film will be returned to its former roles.

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