Irony understood? Kim Kardashian reincarnated in El Woods from "Blonde in Law"


Kardashian reincarnation came very responsibly. A photograph of your image model shared in Instagram. At the picture of the blonde Kim stands in a pink light dress. In one hand she has a handle with a pink pompon, and in the other - a bag with a small dog. All exactly as in the movie, there was not enough pink head on the head. It is worth noting that the Kardashian was born into the image of El Woods quite thoroughly. She even relieved the famous video to enter the heroine to Harvard.

The fans were delighted with the idea of ​​Kim. In the comments, many wrote that they did not recognize it. Some quoted Favorite phrases El Woods from the movie.

Okay, you won this Halloween,

- wrote blogger Amy Song. Subscribers agreed that the Cardhassian costume could well be the best outfit this year.

Публикация от Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian)

By the way, the fans of the film "Blonde in Law" have a reason for joy. In the spring, the leading role of Reese Witherspoon said that fans waiting for the third part of the film. According to her, the continuation of history is in development.

Irony understood? Kim Kardashian reincarnated in El Woods from

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