Yuen McGregor was afraid to watch the "radiance" Kubrick, but played in his sequel


Already very soon, the horror film Mike Flanegan "Doctor Son", in which Yuen McGregor fulfilled the main role. This picture will be the sequel of the classic horror Stanley Kubrick "Lights". Despite the status of the main star of the new film, McGregor admitted that in his youth, he at all was in no hurry to watch Kubrikovskaya film screening of the famous novel Stephen King. According to the Scottish actor, horror films have always been frightened too.

I needed years to see the "radiance". All the circle said that this is an incredibly scary film. Previously, when I was 13 or 14, I looked at Halloween John Carpenter. As part of his musical group, I went to Holland. We played on the streets of Hertogenbos. Once in the evening, people who sheltered us then, in a small cinema showed "Halloween" group of children! I had no idea why they did it! Damn Sadists! And when we left, a mechanic who put the film, hung on the towel entrance door. It turned out to be wet. When we went out, we had a chance to get in touch with this towel. It just drove crazy. It was then that I realized that horror films were not for me,

- told McGregor.

Yuen McGregor was afraid to watch the

In the film "Dr. Son" Yuen McGregor plays a crowded Danny Torrance, the smallest boy from the "radiance", which has supernatural abilities. The key roles in the sequel also performed Rebecca Ferguson, Jacob Tremblle, Kylie Carran and Karel Stretch. In Russia, "Dr. Son" will be released on the screens on November 7.

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