Star "This We" Milo Ventimiglia complained that he was considered too old for the role of Batman


Milo Ventimiglia, he also Jack Pearson from the series "This is us", has extensive experience in superhero franchises. In 2006, he played a person with superconductances in the fantastic series of "Heroes", and in 2015 - the villain of Godded in "Goteme". In addition, he also voiced Wolverine in several animation serials on Marvel comics.


Appearance, experience and even a suitable rude voice - it seemed that Milo would be an ideal candidate for the role of Batman in Kineomix Matt Rivza. Not only one thing approached - age:

Do I see myself in a raincoat and hood? Warner Bros. definitely do not see. They were looking for a new Batman and said: "Ventimiglia, you are too old."

What is curious, the 42-year-old ventilator younger than the previous artist of Bruce Wayne's role, Ben Afflek, who made his debut in the "Batman against Superman" in 46 years. But, it seems, Milo from this remained no offense:

Everything is fine. It does not matter. Anyway, I'm still busy, so everything is in order. And I'm still a fan. I was always a fan of Batman.

As we know, the studio chose a filling a 33-year-old star "Twilight" Robert Pattinson. And, perhaps, for Milo, it is only a plus: everyone knows, with how difficult the fans of DC accept the films of their favorite heroes. For example, Pattinson has undergone universal criticism even before it managed to start shooting.

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We will remind, in the new "Batman", Robert will be the company Zoe Kravitz, Jeffrey Wright and the floor is given - as a cat cat, James Gordon and a mystery, respectively. The film premiere will take place on June 25, 2021.

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