Misha Collins spoke about lonely and frightening childhood, full adventure


Together with his wife, Victoria, with whom he studied at school, he wrote an autobiographical book The Adventurous Eaters Club, a kind of survival instructions for disadvantaged teens.

As a child, I brought three truths for myself: for happiness, you do not need money, there is no need to play according to the rules, and the whole world is created to explore it. But now, looking back, I understand that, at least in my childhood there were many adventures, it still remained lonely, frightening and disturbing,

- Posted actor.

Misha Collins spoke about lonely and frightening childhood, full adventure 29363_1

Only when I myself became the Father, I finally realized that he was surrounded by different dangerous things. Once a trucker brought us to us offered my mother to have sex with him, and after her refusal left us on the side of the road in the rain. Of course, I do not really like to tell such stories that can stain a pink picture from the past, invented by my mom,

- he added.

Misha Collins spoke about lonely and frightening childhood, full adventure 29363_2

Misha Collins spoke about lonely and frightening childhood, full adventure 29363_3

Recall that Misha Collins will grow up two children - the 9-year-old son West and 7-year-old daughter Mason. We are confident that when the heirs are upbaring, he took into account the whole negative experience from his own childhood and his youth.

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