Alena Vodonaeva condemned the behavior of Elena Malysheva in the hospital: "He behaved like Volochkova"


A week ago, Malysheva jumped pressure, instead of a quietly, accompanied by doctors to go to the clinic for the provision of qualified assistance, she filmed the entire trip to the "ambulance" and hospitalization to the Botkin hospital.

Haip on his own health quite disappointed Alain Vodonaev, who previously praised Malyshev for a simple and understandable file feed. The star "House 2" called the led by the leading "Zashkvar", explaining that this term as it should not describe what happened.

So in the network call actions that cause a feeling of shame not at the blogger, but at subscribers,

- held a small leicure of Vodonaev in the "7 days" column.

Публикация от Alena Vodonaeva (@alenavodonaeva)

Alena also compared, it would seem, quite adequate Elena Malyshev with Anastasia Volochkova, whose hard workouts and boring twine had already been scorn at her Follovover at Instagram. Vodonaeva stated that only a second-hand blogger could not make his own hospitalization on camera, no longer knowing than to attract the audience, but in no way self-respecting chief tollV.

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