Karma: Disney removed the "Games of Thrones" scripts from "Star Wars" after the failure of the 8th season


Just a couple of days ago it became known that the scenarios refused to work on the new trilogy of "Star Wars". This news followed immediately after their revelations at the festival in Austin, where they recognized their incompetence and serious mistakes in creating the "Game of Thrones". As long as the fans of the series indignantly, the fans of "star wars" exhaled from relief, but as it turned out, they should not worry at all.

The reporter of the Vanity Fair edition Joanna Robinson revealed interesting details of Benioffe and Wisers with Disney studio. In his podkaster, she said that in fact the screenwriters were removed from work on a popular franchise for another six months ago, after the release of the final series of the 8th season of the "Thrones". Against the background of the resentment of the audience, the studio management did not declare the dismissal of Benioff and Waiss, giving them the opportunity to keep her face.

Karma: Disney removed the

Perhaps it is with this that a very soft statement of President Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy, who called "incredible storylors" scripts and expressed hope once to work together. According to Robinson, Kennedy hurried to make this statement after the fans of the series once again expressed their indignation due to the disrespect of Showranner to the brainchild of George Martin and his fans.

"When your series won" Emmy ", but you do not want it"

In August, the media reported that Benioff and Wayss concluded a deal with Netflix, whose amount, according to The Hollywood Reporter, reached 200 million dollars. But as in the end, this cooperation will turn out is still unknown.

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