Julia Baranovskaya compared Archavin with mentally ill due to unwillingness to communicate with children


Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin was married to nine years. In a relationship with the football player, Julia gave birth to the daughter of Janu and the son of Arseny, but the third child, Baranovskaya gave birth already being lonely - by that time, celebrities broke up relations.

For a long time, Baranovskaya was oppressed by gossip that she would not achieve anything without Arshavin. However, Julia was able to rise and eventually became a famous TV presenter. Now Baranovskaya quietly speaks of past relations, although it is very unfriendly responding about Arshavin.

In a recent interview with Irina Shikhman from the project "And to talk?" Julia called Andrei "mentally ill people" and noted that he had not seen with his children for six years.

A person who does not communicate with his children, sick mentally. This is a severe disease. I sincerely believe that people who do not communicate with their children are deeply sorely sick. But, fortunately, sometimes they recover,

- said in an interview with Baranovskaya.

Julia Baranovskaya compared Archavin with mentally ill due to unwillingness to communicate with children 29401_1

Julia convinced the children that the problem is not in them - just "Pope has such a period." The desire to see the heirs from Arshavin, according to Baranovskaya, woke up only at the beginning of this year. She is sure that her former satellite sincerely loves his children, but in his responsibility to them, Julia doubts. Some time ago there were rumors that the Baranovskaya herself prohibits Arshavin to see the children, - Julia called it "Chushye".

Also, Baranovskaya noted that it does not matter to Arshavin's former husband. Despite the fact that a couple lived for many years together, Julia considers Andrei his former cohabitant.

I want everyone to make anyone who cohabit now, they realize that they are not civilian husbands and wives at all, and the cohabitants. I am fundamental now

- Stressed Baranovskaya.

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