Ricky Martin became Father for the fourth time: photo of the son


Today, Ricky Martin and his spouse, the artist JVAN Joseph told his fans of joyful news - the fourth child appeared in the family of the pair.

Our son Ren Martin-Yosef was born!

- Posted in his Instagram Ricky and published a photo on which she holds a baby on his hands, and Yosef hugs him by the shoulder.

It is worth noting that the meeting with Jwan at Rica had two children, two more appeared in a relationship with the artist. It is easy to guess that the children appeared using a surrogate mother. Most likely, on this couple will not stop - Ricky repeatedly said that he wanted a big family and dreams to raise four couples.

Ricky Martin became Father for the fourth time: photo of the son 29425_1

Recall, Ricky and Jwan began to meet in 2016, and we looked at their relations in 2018. Partners also educate two 11-year-old twins Valentino and Matteo and one-year-old daughter.

Ricky Martin said about her homosexuality in 2010. He called himself a "happy man" and noted that he was glad to be real. The singer has repeatedly spoke in support of same-sex marriages. Later, in 2016, Martin clarified that men and women attract him, but for a serious relationship he considers only men.

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