Emilia Clark burst into the meeting with Beyonce: "Everything went not very"


The star of the "Games of Thrones" Emilia Clark last Friday became Guest Guest Shame Norton. During the interview, the actress told about how he met Beyonce and her husband Jay-zi at the Oscar Award.

Emilia Clark burst into the meeting with Beyonce:

According to Clark, Beyonce unexpectedly approached her and probably expected an interesting conversation with the "Mother of the Dragons", but instead received from Emilia, a typical fan reaction with tears in his eyes.

I did not expect to see Beyonce and Jay-Zi live! I was delighted with the fact that I was invited in general!

- Shared during the actress show.

Seeing Beyonce, Emilia literally lost the gift of speech:

She walked over to me and, obviously, I really wanted to talk. But I could not answer anything to her. I just said: "Oh God!" I went over with a drink then and began to cry. In general, everything went not very. I could not cope with emotions, my eyes were directly filled with tears.

Emilia Clark burst into the meeting with Beyonce:

This is not the first case when Emilia could not chat with Beyonce because of his emotionality. Earlier, Clark told in an interview as "all spoiled," sprinkling in front of the singer when she tried to meet her.

She was clearly my fan, and I spoiled everything. I just could say "EEE ..." and, it seems, burst into

- Clark admitted. According to her, Jay-zi has witnessed this awkward meeting, who asked Emily, whether everything was fine with her.

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