Time goes, dresses are changing: Charlize Theron on a walk with "daughter"


Seven-year-old son Charlize Theron named Jackson has already become a celebrity - the public does not give rest of the girls outfits of the boy, which he prefers traditional boy clothes.

Time goes, dresses are changing: Charlize Theron on a walk with

Time goes, dresses are changing: Charlize Theron on a walk with

The other day, Paparazzi filmed Charlize and Jackson in the parking lot when the actress accompanied the child to school. Jackson was dressed in a checkered sundress, a coral polo t-shirt and gray sneakers. The boy carries long dreadlocks, which this time he collected on the top of the tail. Theron accompanied the Son in ordinary black leggings, T-shirt and Sneakers of New Balance.

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Interestingly, in the western press, Jackson has been called "daughter" Charlize for several months. According to the actress, he considers himself a girl, and Charlize does not interfere with the gender self-determination of the child. Theron says that she grows "two beautiful daughters", and insists that children must decide who they want to be.

I should only make sure that they all were fine

- noted the actress.

Time goes, dresses are changing: Charlize Theron on a walk with

Time goes, dresses are changing: Charlize Theron on a walk with

Time goes, dresses are changing: Charlize Theron on a walk with

Earlier, Jackson attracted the attention of the public, appearing with her mother in the public in a bright pink swimsuit. Recall, Charlize Theron adopted Jackson in 2012, after three years she launched the daughter of Ogast.

Time goes, dresses are changing: Charlize Theron on a walk with

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