Alice Milano showed a photo of breastfeeding: "Now it is legally"


Instagram Alissa published a photo on which she breastfeed her daughter Elizabella. In such a personal picture, Milano shared not just like that. The actress supported the legalization of public breastfeeding in America.

Now breastfeeding in public places has been legally legally in all 50 states!

- she wrote.

However, this is not a fresh snapshot. Milano specially found photograph of 2014, when Elizabella was very small.

In the comments, fans were surprised by the fact that Mamam had previously been forbidden to breastfeed their children in public places. Some have denied the information that the prohibition law existed at all. "Fake news, it was never considered illegal," he wrote one of the subscribers.

Alice Milano showed a photo of breastfeeding:

Alice Milano showed a photo of breastfeeding:

There were those who, together with Alissa, were pleased with this event. "There must always be permitted. This is the best way to feed the child! " - Things the fan of Milano. But everyone unanimously agreed that it was impossible to prohibit mothers.

Milo and Elizabella

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